Thursday, December 24, 2009

I love you

Dear Facebook,

My love for you is soooo soooo soooo much now!! 

I'm so damn freaking happy ok!
FINALLY get to communicate with the long lost Amira Rawiah

Have quite a few plans for January! Can't wait already!!
1. Genting trip  *smiles widely
2. Outing with the cousins
3. Outing with the BERTAUBAT girls  :P
4. Dinner with FICM July'08
5. Go to college to visit lecturers 
6. PD trip with family  *to be confirmed


As you can see, all of the above requires $$, thank goodness I've been working since last month..
Or else I won't be able to go out at all..Coz super broke!   :P

More updates soon!

ps: Its Christmas eve!!