Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time to go crazy!

Errr. Not now of course, but during my 3 months holiday!

Lets seeee.. To do list:
- Spa day with JQ Lee
- Bazaar-hopping day! who wanna join!?
- Meet up with Ming
- Huge party in January for all FICM'ians   =)
- Sell away all my unused clothing!
- Plan and start on my big project!

Bwahahaha.. More to add on!


Hayley said...

Hai, blog hopping~
You're going Korea? Wow great! Enjoy and have fun~

Michelle . WeyChin said...

Hey Hayley!
I recognise ur name! U read Ming's blog too right? hehehe

Yeaps I am!
Thanks!! :D