Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Point

So you think that a certain someone is courteous. Until a point where you feel like slapping yourself for having the most stupid thought, ever.
I really hate people with no manners. Fucktards.

I've been working almost every day now. Although I'm glad that I have a source of income each month, I'd like to spend more quality time with my friends and family. 

Nope, I don't have many close friends. I use to think that I have a lot of people who're close to me and yadi yada. But turns out, they're not afterall. Honestly, I don't care. Its the true friends that matters. 

I used to think that everyone has the potential to be close to you. But now, not anymore.

I have ONE best friend, and I'm sticking to that, for life.  :) 

You don't need gazillion friends on your Facebook account, but ended up posting comments saying that you're bored. Get what I mean?

Looking forward for tomorrow! Gonna be fun. Latenighttalk and McDsessions, Here WE come (again)!  =D