Monday, August 10, 2009

I know its true :)

People come and go.

No matter what it is. I know you guys will be there, forever. And I mean it.

Its amazing how we can hang out together, despite the differences between each and every one of us.
Its amazing how we can organise events together, and have so much fun, despite having a few minor problem along the way.

We've known each other since we were in Form3, when we were still a bunch of quiet,shy,know-nothing-about-anything kids.

After 2 long years of training and organising this and that, we've grown up. So much.

We've developed friendship which will remain, that, I know for sure.

Things go wrong at times, but which friendship doesnt go through the same process?

I am so glad to say, I've found awesome people like you in my life.
2006 was the best year of my life, thanks to all of you *hugs

Exco 2006, I love you guys!

MEB 2006 - Kenangan Terindah :)