Thursday, August 13, 2009

Polka Dots


- Finally submitted everything needed to lift my conditional offer to unconditional offer.

- Finally decided what to major in.

- Still looking for jobs.

- Need to learn how to cook more food food food.

- Finally went out with Evie and Rach. I missed the 3CUZ days. Should do this more often.

- Finally got myself a clutch.

- Need to get a pair of black heels. Why is it so difficult to find a decent pair?!

- Need to save money so that got extra money by my side when I leave.

- Need to plan my final holiday(s) with Exco2006 and cousins before I leave.

- Need to get more plain shirts.

- Need to get shorts which won't fall every 5 steps I walk. =.=

Note to self : TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!